[1]: http://kpmartin.www62.a2hosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/syntax-summary-synthesis.pdf
[Here][1] is a PDF of the Syntax Synthesis worksheet I made based on Pete’s, but a little more spacious. :)
[1]: http://kpmartin.www62.a2hosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/syntax-summary-synthesis.pdf
[Here][1] is a PDF of the Syntax Synthesis worksheet I made based on Pete’s, but a little more spacious. :)
[1]: http://www.kpmartin.com/wp-content/uploads/manual/IntermediateGreek-Class04.mp3
Just a quick post to get [this class audio up][1]. We finished up on articles. Eighteen wonderful ways to say “the”. OK, not exactly, but kinda. Our 1 Thessalonians work was a bit of a struggle. Our vocabulary isn’t there yet. Well, at least mine’s not.
I didn’t ace the test, but almost. And I did all the homework *I knew about*. Sigh. I’d lost a sheet. And I made one big mistake: I tried to complete all 18 article uses on my “synthesis” sheet. That was two weeks worth of work. I did it, but it was time consuming.
All of them. They piled into the minivan for their various Wednesday night church activities. I offered my benedictions and walked into the house, letting out a cheer that made Helen and Kenny and Bunny the bunny all jump.
The whole house to myself.
The plan is to finish my Greek study. That’s always been the habit on Wednesday nights, though it was usually at a coffee shop after I’d dropped off the kids. But now *they* all left and *I* got to stay.
So the coffee’s brewing. How can I study Greek if I don’t have my coffee? (Didn’t the schoolmaster say that in *The Wall*?)
[1]: http://www.kpmartin.com/wp-content/uploads/manual/IntermediateGreek-Class03.mp3
[2]: http://www.kpmartin.com/wp-rss2.php?category_name=greek%20class
No, you didn’t miss anything; I’m not posting on class two. I was in Phoenix for a trade show and couldn’t arrange getting it recorded. But I’m back on track. I was a little despondent over the last few days knowing how little time my recent life has afforded my Greek studies, but I decided to buck up and just treat it as though I was starting fresh. And it felt fresh.
Pete had a really good recap of the previous week and we went through the first bit of homework. I think he’s pulling together a good curriculum. Tonight was part one of two parts concerning articles. The [MP3][1] is about 30 Megs. Sorry, not much to be done about that. It’s nearly two hours long. (Remember, you can subscribe to the Intermediate Greek class audio using iTunes. [Here’s the link.][2])
I am going to finish every scrap of homework for next week. There. I said it. In public. And I will ace the vocab test, too.
[1]: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
The new class started last Thursday. Nice to see everyone again.
I’m too busy to comment on it right now, but it was really an intro to what we’ll be learning and how we’ll be going about it. Pete sounds like he has a good, deliberate plan worked out. I’m both looking forward to it and intimidated. :)
I’m using my new MicroMemo attachment to my iPod to record the classes, and I’ll be posting them here as a service to my fellow students. The first class is here. It’s about 23 Megs; that’s as small as I could get it and still have it listen-able.
**Update:** This is cool… you can now use [iTunes (free for Mac and PC)][1] to subscribe to these recording as a podcast. Just copy the following link, go to iTunes, select “Advanced” > “Subscribe to podcast…”, paste the link, and hit “OK”!
[1]: http://www.kpmartin.com/files/class16-instruction.mp3
[2]: http://www.kpmartin.com/files/class16-homework.mp3
[3]: http://www.kpmartin.com/files/class16-reading.mp3
[4]: http://kpmartin.www62.a2hosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/05/lackey-moods.pdf
Another great class. Pete took us through an overview of “all” the verbal moods (well, the major four plus infinitive) to help us settle in on what the subjunctive mood was about. Good stuff. I’ll probably turn some of it into a PDF soon. (Done. See “update” below.)
I tore right through my first reading/translation verse of the night. Bam… nailed it. Yeah, I know, big whoop. Well, it is to me. :)
Doubling up on chapters again next week as we careen toward the end of the semester.
– Read chapters 32-33
– Vocab for both (trivial)
– Wkbk: Parse 1-5 for each chapter
– Wkbk: Try to translate 1-5 for both (at least do 1-5 in 33)
– What is infinitive and how is it formed
– Five ways infinitive is used
– What is imperative and how is it formed
– Understand **3rd** person imperative
– Five ways of saying “no” in Greek
– P. H. Davids, *The First Epistle of Peter*, NICNT
– J. H. Elliott, *1 Peter*, Anchor
– J. R. Michaels, *1 Peter*, WBC
– E. G. Selwyn, *The First Epistle of St. Peter: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes, and Essays*
Well, I initially did this for Nichole, but now that I’ve done it I think I’ll probably listen in again to a few parts: audio files! I recorded the class in three parts available here as MP3s: [instruction][1], [homework][2], [reading][3]. Please only download if you’re really going to listen. My server space is gratis and I don’t want to abuse the privilege. I only wired Pete, so you can barely hear our quesionts and comments, but that’s probably for the best, and his stuff is the good stuff anyway.
**UPDATE:** Here’s the [Greek Verb Moods chart][4] Pete made and was talking about during the “instruction” part of the class (mp3 available above).
Yep, 15th! Wow, it’s been a while since I blogged on the class. Been to busy simply trying to do the work. We finished verbs and just tonight finished participles. Had a nice eureka moment: the “noun part” of the participle is only necessary to identify the antecedent, and can be ignored after it’s served that purpose! I kept trying to squeeze a genitive key word in (for instance) and it just didn’t make sense. I finally get why.
Also, Mounce, in my opinion, talks backwards sometimes. He asks something like “why do we know it’s dative? Because of it’s function in a sentence!” Well, yeah, from the **writer’s** perspective. From mine, I know it because it ends with iota. That little revelation cleared up a lot of misunderstanding I had when listening to him on CD. (iPod, actually.)
– Read chapter 31
– Chap 31 workbook: parse all, translate 1-5
– Understand differences between indicative and subjunctive
– Note (but not necessarily memorize) subjunctive paradigms
– “Uses” on pages 293-295
– Section 31.19
###Book Recommendations
– (coming soon)
###Other notes
– “Mood” = How the action of a verbal form relates to reality
– Need to tweak Pete’s Participle Chart, I think to have three starting points to avoid mistaking participles for verbs as quickly as possible
– **Eight Parsing “Slots”** covering all verbal forms: Augment | Reduplication | Tense Formative | Connecting Vowel | Participle Morpheme | Personal Ending | Case Ending
And farewell to Nicole! I hope we’ll see you back in the fall! If we have Greek 2. Time to start petitioning the MacLaurin men. :)
The audio recording I made as a test tonight didn’t work very well… too far away. But I’ll have a nice recording of next week’s class available for you to download so you can keep up. :)
Ugh. Second aorist. Sure, I get it, but all those *verbal roots*! I’m having a hard enough time with vocab, and now I find out I should have been memorizing not only the lexical form (1st person singular, present active indicative), but the roots, too! Oh well… I’ll get it.
First aorist looks easier. We’ll see.
Vocab vocab vocab.
Book Recommendations:
– Fee, G. The First Epistle to the Corinthians, NICNT
– Thiselton, A. The First Epistle to the Corinthians: A Commentary on the Greek Text NIGTC
– Martin, R. 2 Corinthians, WBC
– Thrall, M. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians (2 vols), ICC
– understand *form* difference between 1st & 2nd
– tense formative
– Read: Chap 23
– Vocab: Chap 23
– Wkbk: Parse **all**
– Wkbk: Translate **all**
– yes all… I need it
Cage Match:
– 1 John 3:4-9 Young’s Literal Translation vs New Life Version
[1]: http://www.bbcmpls.org/
[2]: http://www.desiringgod.org/
It’s been a while since I blogged on my Greek class. I’ve been too busy to even do a thorough job on the homework let alone blog on it! The travel, the (thankfully now past) illness, and now this month I’m teaching Old Testament book overviews… lots going on.
Another good class. Concepts are settling down well in my head, I think, but vocab is getting me. I could tell that I didn’t have me vocab cards with me as much last week. We read more of 1 John 2. A little tougher going for all of us. I well understand the idea that word order can be wacky in Greek, but I think I saw the biggest example of this so far this week.
We have another bit “translation cage match” homework which I might blog on later.